2016 BC/Yukon Agility Regionals Results

IΒ wanted to say how proud I am of all of you who competed in the regionals! Β Many of you had victories other than just accumulating points and all of you made a point to enjoy your dogs. Β So many of you were so close too! I am proud of all of you. Β Here are a list of the National Qualifiers!

DogWorks Students 2016 BCYR Qualifyers!

16” Regular:

22) William Wallace (ID# 18022) Miniature Poodle – Tracey Mallinson 404.80 – ummm, I think you owe me some money – over 400 pts just like I said πŸ˜‰ SO AMAZING!!!


22” Regular

2) Crush (ID# 22137) Border Collie – Wendy Alexander 576.87

10) Chili (ID# 17888) Border Collie – Wendy Alexander 487.73

12) Kasper (ID# 22590) Australian Shepherd – Christina Shalaby 470.73 – Way to go Kasper – amazing for such a young dog

17) Curry (ID# 18149) Australian Working Kelpie – Sherry Taylor 451.02- great job in jumpers, wow!

18) Torque (ID# 20185) Koolie – Dove Cresswell 446.63 – what can I say Dove – you are my hero!

24) Squeeze (ID# 23530) Australian Shepherd – Kim Marosevich 427.80 – just WOW!Β  First time competing and competed in a couple of trials – what a future you two will have!

32) Kane (ID# 19750) Aussie – Mary Federici 396.72

36) Hurricane (ID# 21282) Border Collie – Elke Starr 374.19 – great job Elke with the speedster – he is such a fast boy!


26” Regular

1) Zappa (ID# 17693) Border Collie – Sylvie Fefer 545.26 – so consistent – CHAMPION again!Β  WTG Queen of Smooth


10” Special:

6) Onni (ID# 14480) Miniature Schnauzer – Eileen Tuulos 486.54 – Love watchingΒ  you both – such a great team – congrats!

9) Camilla (ID# 22812) Miniature Schnauzer – Karolyn Jackson 461.23 – such a great job Karolyn!Β  Congrats!

16) Fintan (ID# 18317) Shetland Sheepdog – Kelly Moon 366.12 Β – YAY Fintan!Β  Kelly such a great attitude working with a shy dog!


16” Special:

4) Kevlar (ID# 16200) Australian Working Kelpie – Christine Woodley 535.55 – Congrats Kevy and Christine – AMAZING job!

7) Rikki (ID# 20183) All Canadian – Julia Schwark 487.05 – Julia you and Rikki get the most improved award – WOW!

11) Rylee (ID# 19384) Golden Retriever – Dorothy Craig 443.13 – WTG Dorothy some amazing runs and look at those gambles!

24) Takoda (ID# 22312) Polish Lowland Sheepdog – Shelley Anderson 365.23 – first regionals and qualified – congrats!


22” Special:

3) Beezer (ID# 17726) All Canadian – Faren Sandberg 492.91– WTG Brown Dog – such a smooth team!

11) Dawson (ID# 20159) Australian Shepherd – Peggy Tunks 363.53 – WTG Dawson but watch it your brother is coming for you – ALMOST!


6” Veterans

3) Gadget (ID# 11560) All Canadian – Cari-Ann Ryall 505.06 – WTG Cari-Ann – you and Gadget are always amazing!


10’ Veterans

3) Stanley (ID# 16322) English Cocker – Joan Rivett 478.05 – WOW!!!Β  You had such an amazing weekend and especially running through so much pain – congrats!


16” Veterans

2) Chico (ID# 15003) Border Collie – Laurie Huston 591.38 – So nice watching the two of you Laurie – just like butter!

18) Jack Sparrow (ID# 18021) Kleinpudle – Chris Elias 390.50 – Chris I am so proud of your improvement and Jack’s consistency!Β  SUPER AMAZING!


6” DD Veterans

2) Eddie (ID# 15122) Manchester Terrier – Lale Aksu 538.09 – WTG Lale – no surprise to see you and Eddie on the podium – so proud!


10” DD Veterans

3) Avis (ID# 12465) Aussie – Mary Federici 565.96 – WTG Mary and Avis


Your incredibly proud instructor,


Wendy πŸ™‚Β 

DogWorks Training Inc. 2020