DogWorks Presents:
Dog Training Workshop with Sara Brueske (KPA-CTP)!
ENTRY FORM: Sara B Seminar Sept 2020_V6
September 25-27, 2020
Friday and Saturday Location TBD - Burnaby– Indoors
Sunday at Eagle Mountain Park – Outdoors on grass
(1799 Eagle Mountain Dr, Coquitlam)
Workshop Topics:
Fri Sept 25 9:00am-1:00pm Sport Foundation Behaviors
This seminar focuses on the behaviors needed to develop the concepts for a well-rounded sport dog, no matter what their future holds. During this course, we teach about free-shaping, pivoting, rear end targeting, face targeting, reverse luring and other behaviors.
Fri Sept 25 2:00pm-6:00pm Clear Communication - Working Spots FULL (Audit only)
Learn how to implement and develop clear communication with your dog for better engagement and trial readiness!
Sat Sept 26 9:00am-6:00pm Bombproof Behaviors - Working Spots FULL (Audit only)
This is a course designed to help teams proof their trial behaviors in a systematic, force free way. Students will learn about how to set their dogs up for success, manage their arousal levels and proof for any distraction. Teams are required to have behaviours on cue.
Sun Sept 27 8:00am-12:00pm Disc Foundations and Skill Building - Working Spots FULL (Audit only)
We cover a large variety of topics giving the newbie a great foundation to draw from, and advanced teams will also benefit as exercises can be catered to their skill level. Auditors in this section will get to practice throws with the groups.
All workshops are open to any age and skill level.
ALSO! We’re hosting an UpDog Disc Competition!
Sunday September 27th after the workshop. With Head Judge, Sara Brueske! 1 round each of: 4 Way Play, Frizgility, FunKey, and Freestyle! Separate entry form to be filled out (will be at the end of the workshop premium) |
Check back soon to see news about upcoming events!